The Enneagram
The Enneagram is a theory of personality that provides us with insight on how we present to the world, our underlying motivations, and the pieces of ourselves that may be unknown or hidden to us. At the core of the Enneagram are nine individual personality types, yet a great deal of variation and complexity exists within these nine types. Our personality style becomes a strategy for how to automatically respond to the world and our relationships. Through learning our personality style, we provide ourselves with more choice in how to engage in life rather than just reacting to life; this shift in choice leads us to personal growth, healthier relationships, and more compassion for others.
Current Enneagram Offerings in Gainesville
Introduction to the Enneagram Workshops are offered in two-parts (Part 1 and Part 2) for an opportunity to learn this theory of personality in depth. The next introductory workshops are not scheduled at this time. Workshops will be located in Gainesville, FL. These workshops are co-facilitated with Dr. Karin Kratina.
Digging Deeper: Exploring each Enneagram personality style in depth. These workshops will be guided discussions specifically focused on one Enneagram personality style (enneatype) at a time. In these workshops a brief review of the specific enneatype will be provided and then the workshop will be opened-up for interactive discussion. This discussion provides people of that particular enneatype an opportunity to express themselves and engage with others of their same personality; also, people who are not of that personality type can engage with participants in a way that supports their understanding of and relationship with people of the specified personality.
Clinical and Diagnostic Insights from the Enneagram: A workshop for mental health practitioners coming soon... we are currently working to establish CE credits for this workshop.
Individual and couples consultations regarding the Enneagram and the personality styles most present in your life are available upon request.
Private family and organizational workshops available upon request; a workshop can be designed focused on the specific needs of your group.
Enneagram Community Meet-Ups. Join the Gainesville Enneagram Community Facebook page to find-out about the next casual gathering.